Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Devil's Workshop

Just thought that it'll be a cool title for once. Haha.
You do know how they say that "An idle mind is the devil's workshop."
I guess it's pretty safe that this blog has been experiencing its very own idle mind, what with all us bloggers not really posting anything here. Rather dead actually. We're all probably very "busy" with our own stuff and our own blogs of course. How many freaking blogs can one maintain??!

So hmmm. What has everybody been up to? I know those doing Form 6 will be facing their trials next week, so they're very very busy mugging for it. In fact, Suzanne just told me that she memorized the Calvin's Cycle earlier. Good for you! Don't know what's that? That's Bio , dumbass!
What about the rest? I know dear old Gorilla was (and maybe still is) having his break too. I'm having mine too, right after we finished our Prelims. Yups. My college was one of the earliest to have the Prelims. Nuts but good in a way.
So.... I've been relaxing I guess. What else do you call sleeping about 9 hours at night and then sleeping for about 3 hours in the afternoon? If that's not relaxing.. I dunno what it is. Perhaps sloth. Haha.

So, what have you guys been up to? We probably need to catch up soon. It's been awhile since we saw each other.

Just my idle mind at work.

[Green Day - Time of Your Life]

~how appropriate..
and ironic.


just filling in this void called a blog.

Monday, September 04, 2006


erm..dis is my 1st time posting here..found dat dis blog is really "peace"..i dunno wat 2 say here oso..anyway,i had juz finished my trial exam n is gotta some free time..but is not shaking my legs at home..haha..here, i wish everbody, no matter in M'sia or oversea, all de best in whatever u do..good luck n take care..gotta miss u guys..hope 2 c u guys out there soon..muakzzz :)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Time Flies..

Thought it was june but gotta face the fact it's Sept d.. Uni starting soon.. it seems that i m lagging behind eh.. Some have finish 1st sem in uni but me.. not even get into uni.. :( Live getting bored.. It's seems muar has gone from hero to zero.. All the heroes have gone far and abroad.. I'm sorry that i m one of them.. hehe.. Hope everyone will keep the muar flag flying high and be proud with ya birth place.. :D

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